Transylvania Trust, responsible for the restoration and revitalisation of Bánffy Castle, Bonțida, Romania, is launching an invitation to take part in a “hands-on” learning experience in the field of built heritage conservation in August of 2024.
Transylvania Trust has been organising restoration camps since 2001 to address the lack of craftsmen and professionals in the field of historic building conservation. So far, we had more than 3000 participants from around 32 countries (Romania, Albania, Australia, Brazil, Belgium, France, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, etc.).
Module 2: 18–31 August 2024
• Theoretical training on the first day. The lectures delivered by qualified professionals from Romania and abroad will be translated simultaneously, as required, to Romanian, Hungarian or English.
• Practical training with the guidance of specialised craftsmen, focusing on 2 main areas:
1. Masonry, vault restoration, mural decorations and specialised techniques (fresco, secco, sgraffito, stucco – 2 days),
2. Traditional joinery and furniture restoration.
Who can apply?
The organisers await the participation of undergraduate students in Architecture, Structural Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Archaeology, History of Art and other related fields. The camp can also be attended by craftsmen who seek to specialise in the restoration of historic buildings, but our training is open to anybody interested in the field of historic building conservation, or who wishes to acquire practical knowledge related to traditional building crafts.
Why apply?
The built heritage conservation camp offers the opportunity:
• to learn about the theoretical principles and methodology of built heritage conservation from qualified lecturers, as well as to put the acquired information into practice through direct, “hands-on” learning,
• to work on a real restoration site along with a team of craftsmen experienced in this field and to contribute to the restoration of Bánffy Castle,
• to meet people from a variety of professional and cultural backgrounds, widening one’s understanding of the field through interdisciplinary and intercultural dialogue.
At the end of the workshop, participants will receive a certificate of achievement.
Practical information:
The camp takes place on the grounds of Bánffy Castle, Bonțida, Romania. Its duration is 14 days.
Registration details:
Participants can register through e-mail, by sending the completed form to the address: bhct@transylvaniatrust.ro.
Note: The number of available places is limited.
The registration fee is 450 euro per student (if payment is made prior to 2 February, a 10% discount will be applied, reducing the registration fee to 405 euro.) This fee represents the participants’ contribution towards tuition, accommodation and catering costs, all of which are provided on the castle grounds.
The deadline for application is 2 March 2024.
Full details of our trainings, camps and our work can be found at transylvaniatrust.ro. For further details please contact us at bhct@transylvaniatrust.ro.
This project is supported by the Romanian Order of Architects, from the architectural stamp duty, and by The King’s Foundation.